Why choose Tetbury Osteopaths ?

The answer to that question begins with the reason for my interest in scoliosis.
My youngest son was diagnosed as having scoliosis at age 14. The advice from the orthopaedic consultant was to monitor the curve and wait to see if there was any deterioraton. I then, like almost all of the patients who contact  me, researched alternative approaches on the internet.
After discovering the Schroth method ,  I applied it  using a text book and my son exercised for around 6 months.The next x-ray showed a clear reduction in curve size.  I was delighted with this result and decided to train in Schroth therapy at the Asklepios Katerina Schroth Clinic in Bad Sobernheim, Germany. The clinic  is depicted on the right hand side of this page.Since then I have completed the Schroth Best Practice  basic course in 2017 , and the Schroth Best Practice advanced course in 2019.I am the only Best Practice Advanced practitioner in the UK. Best Practice  is an adaption of the  original method designed to make home exercise  maximally effective  with the least specialist equipment posssible. It also incorporates new ideas on the highly important front to back balance in scoliosis enhancing postural correction.The advanced course encompassed many refinements to the exercises and a more precise procedure for identifying individual curve patterns.Precise diagnosis of curve pattern allows the exercise prescription to be equally precise, giving the patient the best result possible for the time they devote to their practice.  These very valuable additions to my knowledge have changed my practice of Schroth considerably .
In summary I have the training to provide an individualised program giving you the means to actively address your scoliosis.
For more reasons to choose Tetbury Osteopaths click here.
For more information on the clinic give us a call today on
01666 502 214
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